“Men’s Spirituality”

“Men’s Spirituality: Drawing from the Masculine Archetypes

A weekend residential retreat for men
Previously hosted by Dayspring

This residential retreat is open to all men interested in reflecting deeply on their lives at home, at work and at play.

The weekend will include brief input on the masculine archetypes and how they can serve to sharpen our focus as men. Most of the weekend will be loosely structured so that participants can reflect in private and, if they wish, discuss issues arising.

“This event draws on some of my favourite material and opens up the possibility for more leisurely reflection and sharing than is possible in the one-day men’s workshops” … Noel Giblett

The retreat invites men to reflect on these questions:

  • What relevance do the original patterns of manhood have for us now as 21st century men?
  • How can the archetypes help us stay focussed on our own journeys, especially given the numerous conflicting prescriptions about how we should be as men?
  • How can we reconcile our strengths and our weaknesses, our light side and dark side, in the journey of manhood?
  • Where is God in our journeys as men?

When and Where

Next workshop not yet scheduled.

You can request early-bird schedule information for this and other events on the Make Contact page.