“Spirituality for Grown-Ups”

“Spirituality for Grown-Ups: Christian & Buddhist Perspectives and Practices for the Journey

A five session evening group open to all

“For many years I have been interested in the connections between contemplative Christian and Buddhist perspectives on the spiritual journey. I have also found that the two traditions can be usefully combined when it comes to the specifics of practice.” Noel Giblett

This group is for anyone open to learning from the contemplative Christian and Buddhist traditions – no religious affiliation is necessary or assumed.

Noel provides his personal synthesis of the two traditions offering an overview of the spiritual journey via the following topics:

  • Preparing for the Journey & Times of Trial

What we need to do in order to journey well and meet the challenges of life

  • Mapping the Journey

The importance of a good map and the relationship between my story, our story and the big story

  • What to Expect on the Journey

Notions of healing and wholeness, darkness and light, and breaking and blessing

  • How to Sustain Yourself on the Journey

Practices and routines for you individually, in small like-minded groups and in communal settings

  • Stepping Out, Showing Up & Having Faith

Walking the labyrinth of life rather than trying to climb the ladder of ‘success’

Click here to read or download the previous flyer for this workshop.

When and Where

Next series not yet scheduled.

You can request early-bird schedule information for this and other events on the Make Contact page.