For those interested in personal qualities, here is what some of my clients have said about me:
AD: “After a prolonged and protracted divorce (8 years of family court hearings) and two vulnerable children in the middle, I was desperate to change my approach to my private hell, but I was also fearful of change. I had become entrenched in a pattern of behavior which only served to protect myself and my children from a narcissistic relationship. I was in survival mode, no more no less, and I was exhausted. I needed to change my way of thinking to allow myself to move forward and take control back of my life.
My GP referred me for counseling. Here enters Noel Giblett into my life. This quiet, thoughtful man runs deep. His gentle but firm manner, together with his wisdom, gives you the ability to recognize the situation for what it is. He gives you the tools to change your perspective on your situation and steers you to change. Under Noel’s guidance I found the strength and courage to make changes.
Without doubt Noel has changed the course of my life.
He has also helped me understand what my children are feeling and their fears. This has allowed me to approach this situation in a different way, resulting in my children coping and dealing with life better. What was years of passive living is no more, I now have a positive approach to life, and also have more control over my life. I now move forwards at an alarming rate. So too do my children share my new zest for life. We are no longer victims of our circumstances, we are back in the driver’s seat, moving forwards and proactive.
For anyone who is considering counselling I strongly recommend Noel. Get an appointment. Sounds simple doesn’t it. It is. And simply put, Noel is outstandingly good at what he does.”
FB: “When I first contacted Noel, I was at my wits end. My marriage was suffering and my teenage child was driving around the twist. I felt that as a male, I was immediately to blame for all problems, at least that is what we see on the movies. I had agreed to see a relationship counsellor with my partner initially as a way of keeping the peace, I expected to receive a grilling and huge homework list of things I must change.
What I received, much to my surprise, was an unbiased ear, kind supportive words and understanding. Yes I did have to change a few things in my life and in my thinking, these were delivered to me in a way that was most palatable and manageable. The outcome was positive, I learned a lot about myself and my partner. She and I have grown closer and our relationship much stronger. I can now better deal with my teenage child and on this front I seem to have a better relationship with him.
I highly recommend Noel to other men in crisis, you will find him caring, firm and yet no softie. He is not into all that touchy feely mumbo jumbo, but speaks clearly and plainly in a manner that I could understand and believe.”
MB: “We had reached a situation in our marriage where we had somehow lost our connection to one another. Thrown into the mix was the stress of adjusting to a change in work/family roles for the two of us, along with the everyday challenges of raising kids (and adjusting to having a teenager). We went to see Noel when it felt as if we were at crisis point; at the time it felt as if we had descended into a conflict situation that we just couldn’t find our way out of. With Noel’s guidance, support and some respectful challenging (for both of us) we have been able to re-establish our relationship at a deeper level. We have re-learnt how to open to one another in a more honest and loving way.”
Mrs S: “I was referred to Noel Giblett at a point in my life when my marriage of 22 years was at crisis point and my mental health had rapidly deteriorated as a direct result of this. I was keen to approach counselling to find neutral ground where my husband and I could discuss the pain and disillusionment of our relationship, with a view to make our separation more amicable. From the beginning, Noel listened intently, and skilfully extracted details which helped lead me to the possibility of looking at both myself and my marriage with new eyes.
I was most impressed with the amount of professional and life experience Noel had with men’s issues. Such insight enabled him to relate to the dynamics of our relationship in a “real” and constructive manner. Whilst he did have an interest in this area, at no time did I perceive any bias towards my husband. On the contrary, I felt any discussion or grievances were treated with sincere impartiality and empathy. This balanced approach engendered respect from both of us and has helped bring us closer together as a couple.
I whole-heartedly recommend Noel’s services to anyone considering relationship counselling.”
Mr S: “If you are thinking of using the counselling services of Noel Giblett, I can give the whole-hearted recommendation… GO FOR IT! And when you do, give yourself fully to the therapy process. I’m sure (as I have found) that Noel will help you to help yourself, with the best possible outcome.
Noel is thoroughly professional and very skilled at listening and guiding you through your difficulties, whatever they may be. With Noel’s assistance, I’ve known mountains to dissolve that I thought were insurmountable!”
MJP (a man in his mid-40s): “Noel is an insightful, compassionate and patient man. He helped me let go of fear and persist through difficult times. He guided me through a maelstrom towards a place of inner calm. Working with Noel enhanced my life. I will be forever grateful.”
JJ: “Noel Giblett is the person that I thank for giving me back not only my confidence and self esteem that had been stolen from me over many years, but also the ability to manage my depression and anger when faced with the verbal abuse and manipulation by my partner. I have now been able to go out and enjoy life to the full and been able to make friends for the first time, without feeling guilty.”
D: “Noel shows great understanding and empathy that comes from life experience. He helped me recover from a major setback and difficult family issues, restoring balance to my inner self. He challenged me to value myself in the dark times. He asked the difficult questions that had to be asked. In so doing, he brought compassion and humour to the journey. Thank you Noel.”