“The Cycles of Life”

“The Cycles of Life: Endings & Beginnings, Dying & Rising

A weekend residential retreat for men and women

This residential retreat is open to anyone who wants to deepen their spiritual journey, and take time out to reflect on the recurring circles of life.

We will draw from a variety of wisdom traditions. However, this retreat assumes an openness to an inclusive, contemplative Christian framework, in particular an interest in the ‘Paschal Mystery’ – the archetypal pattern of dying, waiting and rising, as seen at Easter.

Participants will be invited to explore this pattern as it relates to any experience or aspect of their life.

It will be a gentle and reflective weekend, incorporating the wisdom of literature, music and art, as well as that of the group.

Notification of Events

Details for this retreat, including flyers and registration forms, are sent out to those on my email list. See the sidebar on this page for how to subscribe.